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5 Things To Know When Applying For a Job

1. Came across the job post on social media you’d like to apply to? Don’t text if “I’m interested” or “More info” or the worse one: “Info”. Read around before doing that and make sure the is no more info text, links to click to get it, or emails to contact. By dropping such poor comments, you are exposing how not attentive you are. By just dropping – “I’m interested” you are expecting to be contacted by a potential employer, however, that might look like you are requiring to be treated somehow special, explaining things individually, multiple times and no employers will like that.

2. Don’t apply without attaching your CV. When applying to some entry-level position and having no job experience to put into your CV – be creative! Put all experience you’ve collected throughout the years, voluntary activities, projects you’ve been involved in, online skills, or software you are fluent with. Don’t bother yourself thinking if it goes with the position you are applying for – let the hiring person decide what he values. In those times when experience is not the most important asset – personality and demonstrated attitude brings value.

3. Do not apply to all positions the company has open. If you are passionate about cooking but have zero experience – apply for Kitchen Helper or kitchen porter positions, but don’t apply for a Sous Chef or Barista. Seeing your name on all open vacancies will only show how all over the place you are and how desperate you need any kind of job.

4. Do not address a hiring manager, Sir or Madam. Don’t assume the gender/age or mood of a person who will read your application – Dear hiring manager is perfectly fine. To whom it may concern is ok too – you don’t need to be creative unless you are applying for a clown. Impress with your skills, nicely aligned, ideally PDF CV, and leave the creativity aside.

5. Do not populate your CV until it’s revised multiple times. Check the alignment, font (ideally do not have more than 3 different styles/fonts), and spelling mistakes (double check the text on grammarly.com – it’s a super helpful and free-to-use site). Make sure you fit all the text into a max of 2 pages (nobody has time to read more). Make sure you start listing your job experience from the most recent to the oldest one, no other way around. If adding your photo to the CV – make sure it’s a good quality professional image that fits the position. Make sure you save the CV with your Name, Surname, and Title of the position you are applying for. Always attach the CV to an email – do not copy-paste it into the email body.